by Andrew Robinson
Talks and Lectures
[Photograph by Jonathan Bowen] [See full image at: "Cracking the Egyptian Code"]
Watch my lecture, "Cracking Ancient Codes: Egyptian Hieroglyphs", at the Royal Institution in 2019. I have delivered talks and lectures based on my books at the following academic institutions, literary festivals, museums and related events during the past couple of decades--mostly in the UK.
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, UK
"Michael Ventris, The Man Who Deciphered Linear B"
"India: A Short History"
"Genius: Reality or Myth?"
"Lost Civilisations: The Indus"
"Earthquakes, Nations and Civilisation"
"Cracking the Egyptian Code: The Revolutionary Life of Jean-François Champollion"
"From Indus Civilisation to Independence: A Short History of India"
"The Indus Civilisation: Lost and Found"
"The Revolutionary Life of Jean-François Champollion"
"The Man Who Deciphered Linear B: The Story of Michael Ventris"
"Lost Languages: The Enigma of the World's Undeciphered Scripts"
"Satyajit Ray, Visionary of Cinema" (30 November 2024)
Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt
Bloomsbury Institute, London
Bloomsbury Summer School Study Day, University College London, UK
"Lost Languages: The Enigma of the World's Undeciphered Scripts" (2013)
"The Indus Civilisation: Lost and Found" (2017)
Bodleian Library, Oxford, UK
--watch "Distinguishing Marks of Genius", a 40-minute lecture
-- "Einstein's Oxford: A 'Barbarian on the Roam'" (26 September 2024)
Bristol Anglo-Hellenic Cultural Society, UK
British Computer Arts Society (Electronic Visualisation & the Arts: EVA), London, UK
BFI Southbank, London, UK
"A Century of Satyajit Ray (1921-2021)"
British Library, London, UK
"The Man Who Deciphered Egyptian Hieroglyphs"
"Young versus Champollion: Who Deciphered the Hieroglyphs?"
British Museum, London, UK
"The Indus Civilisation: Lost and Found"
--watch a British Museum Friends video on "The Indus Civilization"
"Cracking the Egyptian Code: The Revolutionary Life of Jean-François Champollion"
"From Indus Civilisation to Independence: A Short History of India"
--read a related feature in the British Museum Magazine on "Unicorns from Utopia"
"A Century of Satyajit Ray (1921-2021)"
"Michael Ventris: The Man Who Deciphered Linear B"
--watch the lecture
"The Rosetta Stone, Champollion and Ancient Languages"
--watch the lecture
Cafe Scientifique, UK
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA
"Lost Languages: The Enigma of the World's Undeciphered Scripts"
Cambridge Festival of Ideas, Cambridge, UK
Cheltenham Festival of Literature, Cheltenham, UK
Christ Church College, Oxford, UK
"Einstein in Oxford"
--see the lecture flyer
--see photo of flyer next to Einstein's blackboard at the History of Science Museum, Oxford
Ciné Lumière, Institut Français, London UK
"Satyajit Ray and his French Connection"
--watch the lecture
Current Archaeology Live!, Senate House, London, UK
"The Indus Civilisation: Lost and Found"
Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, UK
--see coverage of screenings of Satyajit Ray films at Dulwich On View
Edinburgh International Book Festival, Edinburgh, UK
--listen to "What can we learn from geniuses?", a 15-minute talk recorded in Edinburgh broadcast on BBC Radio 4's Four Thought
Egypt Exploration Society, London, UK
Friends House, London, UK
Hay Festival of Literature, Hay-on-Wye, UK
"Cracking the Egyptian Code: The Revolutionary Life of Jean-Francois Champollion"
Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution, London, UK
History of Science Museum, Oxford, UK
"Einstein on the Run: Oxford, Britain and Nazi Germany"
How To Academy, London, UK
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA
Kings Place, London, UK
"Einstein on the Run", an interview with Martin Rees
--watch the lecture, recorded by Jewish Book Week
"Cracking Ancient Codes: Understanding Early Writing"
--watch the lecture, recorded by Jewish Book Week
--celebrating Tom Lehrer, Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen on the 70th anniversary of Jewish Book Week
--watch the lecture, recorded by Jewish Book Week
Lichfield Festival, Lichfield, UK
London Library, London, UK
"London, 1750: The Year of Earthquakes"
Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, UK
Nehru Centre, Indian High Commission, London, UK
92Y, New York, USA
"Lost Civilizations: The Indus"
--watch the lecture, recorded by 92Y
Oxford Literary Festival, Oxford, UK
"Genius: A Very Short Introduction"
"Einstein: A Hundred Years of Relativity"
"Cracking the Egyptian Code"
Oxford University Chabad Society, UK
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London, UK
Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK
Porlock Festival, Porlock, UK
(Glenthorne Museum Visit)
Queen Mary, University of London, UK
"Einstein's Legacy: Celebrating 100 Years of General Relativity"
Royal Asiatic Society, London, UK
--listen to "The Apu Trilogy: Satyajit Ray and the Making of an Epic", a 45-minute lecture
Royal Geographical Society, London, UK
Royal Institution, London, UK
"Cracking Ancient Codes: Egyptian Hieroglyphs"
--watch the lecture
"Einstein on the Run"
St. Cross College, University of Oxford, UK
"The Emigrés in Oxford Physics"
--listen to "Waves on the Isis: Albert Einstein and Erwin Schrödinger in Oxford", a 40-minute lecture
"Polymaths across the Eras"
--listen to "Thomas Young: The Last Man Who Knew Everything?", a 35-minute lecture
Scientific and Medical Network, UK
Seoul National University, South Korea
Smithsonian Associates, USA
"Lost Civilizations: The Indus"
Thomas Young Centre, London, UK
(a collaboration of University College, Imperial College, King's College and Queen Mary)
Whipple Museum of the History of Science, Cambridge, UK
Wigtown Book Festival, Wigtown, UK
Words by the Water Literature Festival, Keswick, UK
Words in the Park Literature Festival, Holland Park, London, UK
York Festival of Ideas, University of York, UK
TheCopyright © 2016 Andrew Robinson. All rights reserved.